The Scottish Highlands, with its rolling hills, stunning lochs and coastlines, magnificent wildlife and mountainous landscapes is a truly tranquil and inspiring place to explore and we all want to keep it that way for generations to come. Like all natural environments all over the world, this natural beauty is fragile and under threat. No matter how big or small, we can all do our bit to help create a more sustainable future.
The following policy applies to all activities undertaken by Kiltearn Guest House and impacts upon key suppliers and customers. At Kiltearn Guest House we are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact wherever possible.
We will achieve this though our commitment to:
· Comply with all relevant legislation and regulations;
· Regularly review the environmental impact of our activities;
· Endeavour ro reduce our overall environmental impact and prevent waste;
· Involve employees in our recycling programme and waste prevention;
· Sustain a programme of continual improvement and performance reviewed annually;
· Work with guests to encourage best practice through a visitor charter;
· Improve resource efficiency including use of water, energy and raw materials.
· We recycle all metal, glass, plastic, card and paper.
· Any toileteries disguarded by guests are given to our local homeless shelter
· Old towels are donated to either our local homeless shelter or animal welfare charity
Green energy
· Suitable food waste is collected and composted for use in the garden
Local sourcing
· We pride ourselves in locally sourcing as much as possible in support of our local farmers and small businesses. It also gives guests a more Scottish experience, too!
· Where appropriate we use low energy lighting.